05.07.2017Пришкольная площадка " Солнышко"
Ауа райына
қарамастан мектеп алаңы өз жұмысын жоспар бойынша жалғастырды.Бүгін біз өрт
сөндіру бөліміне барып, өрт сөндірушілер өз жұмыстары жайлы әңгімелесті.
Бүлдіршіндер Облыстық балалар кітапханасында
«Мульти-пульти» шоуын тамашалады және
29.06.2017Theme: Visiting cinema
Date: 23.06.2017
Theme: Visiting cinema
On Friday we went to the cinema “Alem”, after the children signed up in the safety-notebook on the road. The children walked along happy to the cinema. On the way we went to the grocery store. Children bought drinks, ice-cream, chips, pop-corn, and seeds.
We watched the cartoon “Cars-3”.It was very good, modern and instructive cartoon. While we were going to the cinema we...
29.06.2017Theme: Lazy Jack and Three bears (Fairytale)
Date: 26-27.06.2017
Theme: Lazy Jack and Three bears (Fairytale)
These were nice days for fairy tales. Children began a lesson from training. At first children watched a fairy tale about “Lazy Jack”.
Children saw him twice and began to retell that they understood.
Retelling the tale they laughed at the Jack because he was very funny and stupid boy. After retelling boys and girls did tasks
in the text. The lesson was interesting.
The next day there was a dramatization of a...
29.06.2017The third day of the school grounds began traditionally with warm-up activity.
The third day of the school grounds began traditionally with warm-up activity. During the day we visited the Regional children’s library M.Zhumabaeva, the school museum of «Military glory» and on the vocal circle, the children sang their favorite songs.